The International symposium on Human Genomics will be the opportunity to promote research in genetics and genomics in France and to bring the community together. It will be opened to the national and international genetics and genomics community. Early-career researchers are encouraged to attend and submit either an oral or a poster presentation.

The meeting is co-organised by France Génomique, TI GGB Inserm and CNRS BiologyOrganisers

This year, the following topics will be covered with the following invited speakers:

Genetics and Pathologies

-Alex Duval, Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, Paris

-Christine Petit, Hearing Institute, Pasteur Institute, Paris

Population Genetics and Statistical Genetics

-Steven Gazal, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

-André Uitterlinden, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Advanced Omics Analyses

-Ana Conesa, Institute for Integrative Systems Biology, Valencia, Spain

Openness to Society/Science Communication

-Florence Débarre, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Paris

Epigenetics / Regulome

-Hervé Seitz, IGH, Montpellier, France



Single Cell/Spatial Transcriptomics

-Laura Cantini, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France

-Mickaël Ménager, Imagine Institute, Paris, France


Abstract submission:

Abstract submission for oral and poster presentations is available until the 5th of February 2025 - midnight - EXTENDED UNTIL THE 14th OF FEBRUARYResults will be announced in early March. 

To submit an abstract for a poster or an oral presentation, first create an account on Sciencesconf.org. Then use your username and password to login on the symposium home page. You will then be able to access the “My submissions” page and proceed with abstract submission. Max 300 words, and in english only.

Travel grants available for early career scientists (see the travel grants page to know how to apply).

Poster size: A0 : 841 x 1189 mm (portrait only). A price for best poster will be awarded!


Registration and payment:

Registration fees include the three-day attendance of the conference, coffee breaks, lunches on the 6th and 7th, and a cocktail party on the evening of the 5th (only for the first 150 delegates to be registered). 

To register, please go to the 'Registration' page. The payments are processed with Billetweb, via this link :

Link Billetweb

Please note that your registration will not be accepted until we receive payment confirmation from Billetweb.

Registration opened until the 11th of April 2025 - midnight.

Students (Masters and PhDs): €110 (VAT included)

Academic attendees: €220 (VAT included)

Attendee, private sector: €550 (VAT included)


We greatly acknowledge our sponsors below:




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